Welcome to the 2nd annual event for Bullying Ends Now. This event will take place Saturday Feb 16th at 1pm at Botsford Park in Corpus Christi. The B E.N. Campaign is a bullying awareness event in rememberance of Teddy Molina who committed suicide due to bullying. According to Stopbullying.gov, 1 in 3 middle school students are bullied every day. In order to deter bullying in schools, the B.E.N. campaign educates students, teachers, and administrators the negative effects of bullying. There will be free food and drinks. Prizes and awards for kids activities such as running races, tug of war, and best anti-bullying sign contest. Moon jumps, face painting, martial arts demonstration, motorcycle bike revs, and much more. The youth are welcomed to stand up and speak out at this event while we turn bullies into champions! Email stopbullyingtexas@yahoo.com for more information